TimeShiftX - Forward Date Testing Software

What is TimeShiftX?

TimeShiftX is a forward date testing software that allows you to "time travel" servers in the future or past to test all date and time sensitive functionality and code such as end of year, daylight savings, leap year, billing, insurance rates, policies, expiration dates, pensions, financial validation, mortgages, etc.

 forward date testing


How does it work?

Through a specialized virtualization layer, TimeShiftX tricks servers into thinking they are operating in the past, present, or future all while leaving the core system timestamps and operating system kernel services running safely in real time. Users create “virtual times” which let them perform their forward date testing. 



Through a series of unique features, TimeShiftX lets testers perform forward date testing to achieve critical tests like end of week, month end, year end, billing cycles, etc. Features like granular clocks, speed times, and multi-user virtual times lets you validate all the critical date and time logic inside your applications.

virtual time software


No Environment Reboots & Reloads

While moving the system clock forward may seem like an easy date testing solution, it limits you as it damages the environment and causes major IT work to bring the environment back up. TimeShiftX lets you perform forward date testing with several date tests simultaneously and without any environment corruption.

future date


No Code Modifications

Forward date testing is what most companies employ when trying to validate date dependent applications. However unlike other hacks and workarounds, TimeShiftX lets you manipulate server date and time without changing or developing new code.

virtual date


Active Directory & Kerberos Compatible

Network Authentication blocks companies from implementing workaround methods for time travel as it will cause a system lockout for users. Using TimeShiftX, you can safely time travel, no matter how far in the future or past, without being locked out. This leads to freeing testers to fully perform forward date testing.

active directory time travel


Total Application & Database Compatibility

Enterprise environments contain an array of applications such as SAP, WebSphere, and Siebel all running throughout a distributed environment. TimeShiftX makes forward date testing simple by time travelling the entire application stack no matter the configuration.

time shifting


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